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Recently in the United States their has been talk to remove the Confederate statues and memorials from public parks and from the middle of some city's. This debate gained major ground in Charlottesville after a protester was killed by a white supremacist during a protest to remove the Robert E. Lee statue. A lot of people want civil war statues to be removed and placed in a museum where they can still be seen and remembered. Their are also people who don't want the statues at all, they want them to be torn down and destroyed.

In North Carolina protesters tear down a confederate solder statue because they are frustrated with what happened in Charlottesville. Because protesters tore down a statue without the city's permission, Because they did remove a statue without the city's permission seven people have been arrested and were charged with two felony's and two misdemeanors.

Most of the controversy is about the Civil war statues and the Confederate statues. There is very little talk about the Sam Houston statues and memorials in Texas. Their was a hoax one day on Facebook, it said that their was going to be a protest to remove a Sam Houston statue that stood in the middle of Sam Houston National park. the day that the protest was supposed to take place only 300 or so protesters actually showed up. About 200 yards away their was a gathering of around 1500 counter protesters standing around the statue,

A lot of people don't know what Sam Houston did for Texas. Sam Houston didn't want to Secede from the Union, In one of Sam Houston's letters he states that "as long as the constitution is maintained by the "federal authority," and Texas is not made the victim of "federal wrong" I am for the union as it is." That statement was another reason why Sam Houston was removed from office. Sam Houston wasn't a hard core Advocate for slavery, Sam Houston also voted against the expansion of slavery. Sam Houston voted for both the Missouri Compromise and the Oregon Bill, which denied the expansion of slavery in the north. Sam Houston was a slave owner, but he only owned slaved for about 12 years until he ran away from home and lived with the Cherokee until he was 20 years old.

After Abraham Lincoln became president, the clamor of discontent in Texas prompted Houston to call a special secession of the state legislature. Houston did not want to secede from the Union, "it would only bring bloodshed and destruction of the south" Houston said. A week later the convention was held to secede from the Union. When they asked Sam Houston to take an oath of loyalty to the newly formed Confederate States of America, he declined and was almost immediately removed from office. Sam Houston was replaced by Edward Clark

I believe that some of these statues should stay and some should be moved into museums. The statues that I think should stay in public where everyone can see, are the memorials and the statues of the Generals during the Civil war along with people who had a huge impact in the creation of Texas. The statues that should be moved to museums are the statues of just confederate solders or the statues that don't really have any rel history to the civil war.

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